About Us

We started our business since July 2021 in a small scale. we are in sole proprietorship.

Our vision is to provide luxuries and trendy products across the globe. Right now we have product collection for college girls and womens. Trendy, Traditional, Fancy, Funcky, Classy as well royal jewelry we are having with us. Providing you the jewellry tips how to use and keep them for long term. specially dealing with delicate jewely, But we believe every jewelry is delicate and needs to be taken care.

The Women is precious and her jewelry too.

Some tips to keep your jewelry safe:
Wear your jewelry after your close and remove your jewelry before changing your clothes. keep your jewelry properly packed air should not passes from. Clean them after and before using with soft clothes. Do not spray perfume on your jewelry. while performing household work like cleaning, laundry, cooking etc. wear your jewelry after your makeup or better to cover them during the makeup, as hairspray or other makeup product contains harmful chemical which can impacts on your jewelry shine.

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